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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Giving Up A Part of Yourself and Your Wholeness

The following is a quote from Susan Forward's book titled "Emotional Blackmail". It has significant meaning in my life and I thought it would be good to share with others. The book is excellent for anyone who believes they are or may be manipulated by someone via their use of fear, obligation and guilt.

"One of the most serious effects of emotional blackmail is the way it narrows our world. We often give up people and activities we love in order to please our blackmailers, especially if they are controlling or overly needy. But every time you don't take the class you want to take, every time you stop pursuing an interest or stop seeing people you care about in order to make a blackmailer happy, you are giving up an important part of yourself and diminishing your wholeness"

I encourage you to never give up on yourself. I know I did and it cost me a huge portion of my life. All because I believed her lie that because she was scared, inconvienced, or disapproved then it must mean I was either "wrong", "selfish" or "stupid". What a bunch of bull!! I cannot change the past but I sure intend to not waste the second half of my life believing such crap.

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